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Dementia - 2023

About Conference

We welcome all the participants from all over the world to attend "9th International Conference on Dementia and Alzheimer Disease" is scheduled on April 10-11, 2023 in Berlin, Germany which will be through on stream and participants like keynote, special sessions, poster, oral presentations will deliver their talk on-stream.

Can we cure Dementia?

Discovering the friend or family member has Alzheimer's or other types of dementia is Scary. One of the primary inquiry is individuals inquires as to whether there is a cure or an approach to recouping? Not all loss of memory is recognized with Alzheimer's or dementia. There are different reasons you may encounter memory issues including thyroid issues, stretch and vitamin insufficiencies or certain medicines.

There is currently no "cure" for dementia. Dementia is triggered by different diseases that are why it is impossible that there will be a solitary cure for dementia.

Dementia, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, is one of the biggest global public health challenges facing our generation. Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with insanity this range is anticipated to double by 2030 and quite triple by 2050 to 115 million. Much of the increase will be in developing countries like Western Europe and North America. Already 62% of individuals with Dementia board developing countries. Today, over 35 million individuals worldwide presently abide the condition. No medicines out there to slow or stop the cerebrum damage brought about by Alzheimer's malady, a few prescriptions can briefly help improve the side effects of dementia for certain individuals. In 20 Years, it is estimated that 1.4 million Canadians will have dementia, costing the economy almost $300 billion per year. Globally, dementia cost $600 billion a year. 

Why to attend???

Dementia - 2023 will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders working on Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia to talk about novel research. Dementia Online event can assemble notable speakers, neurologist’s and Dementia researchers from both academia and health care industry will join together to discuss their views and research. The conference will be comprised of sessions by world category specialists in the field of neurology. In dementia on-stream meet 2023, international symposiums, B2B conferences, international workshops will be organized to debate the particular topics within the field of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.




Welcome Message

9th International Conference on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease is going to be held on April 10-11, 2023 Berlin, Germany | Conference. Which includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions. Dementia 2023 conference is happy to invite Dementia professionals, researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals, and executives.

Target Audience:


Session And Tracks

Track 1: Dementia

Dementia is not a specific disorder. It's an overall term that describes a wide variety of signs associated with a decline in memory or other thinking talents extreme enough to lessen a human being ability to perform regular activities. Vascular dementia, which takes place after a stroke, is the second most not abnormal dementia type. But there are numerous other conditions that may cause symptoms and signs of dementia, which include some which might be reversible, such as vitamin deficiencies and thyroid issues. Dementia is a syndrome that involves intense loss of cognitive talents due to injury or ailment. Dementia as a result of worrying mind harm is often static, whereas dementia due to inclusive of Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative disorders, is commonly revolutionary and can sooner or later be fatal. Dementia can be clump based totally on the part of brain being injured. it's miles roughly true that the earliest symptoms in "cortical" dementia include difficulty with high-level behaviour’s which includes language, reminiscence, reasoning and problem-solving; these features generally tend to be less damage in "subcortical" dementia. Cortical dementia occurs due to injure within the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the mind. They play a major role in reminiscence and language.

Track 2: Parkinson Diseases        

Parkinson's Diseases is a never-ending and dynamic neurological problem that influence engine work, postural unsteadiness, inflicting bradykinesia, inflexibility and tremor very still. Side effects develop progressively, making start finding annoying. Parkinson's Diseases likewise has some non-engine highlights, inclusive of psychological well-being issues, autonomic aggravations and rest unsettling impacts. At introduce, there may be no treatment for Parkinson's Diseases. The remedy is, subsequently, earlier from treating side consequences. There are actual now two fundamental ways to address more suitable dopaminergic activity in the mind: increasing dopamine emission with exogenous operators and focusing on associated neurotransmission track. Levodopa is the regular metabolic precursor of dopamine and is profoundly a success for treating PD symptoms. Side outcomes of PD are commonly overseen utilizing a particular dopamine receptor agonist. While these medicinal drugs are used in starting time Parkinson's, they have a tendency to lose possibility in later disease stages.

Track 3: Dementia Care Management

Caring for a person with dementia influence discouraged. You may additionally have your own physical and psychological comfort needs, which you and others may additionally neglect while you are tending to some other person. There are severe high-quality things about caring. These incorporate adapting new aptitudes, expanding on existing ones, reinforces distinctive people in diverse ways. In any case, caring can also be both physically and reasonably debilitating. It affects all factors of your life and may have an impact on you to feel separated, driven and at instances eveg connections, having a feeling of delight in what you are doing, and assisting somebody who is vital to you. Dementia care the controlling is a model of network orientated consideration, characterized as an unreliable intercession planning to offer ideal remedy and care to patients with dementia and bolster parental figures utilizing a PC helped appraisal resolution, a customized cluster of resulting fulfilment and checking mediation modules.

Track 4: Vascular dementia

Vascular madness is the alternate most everyday motive for madness after Alzheimer's Conditions. Vascular variations that start in mind homes that anticipate a crucial element in placing down and recovering records may also purpose reminiscence mischance that looks in particular like Alzheimer's illness. Vascular madness is a lower in suspicion capacities convinced by conditions that blockish or lessen blood movement to the mind, denying studies cells of essential oxygen and supplements. Deficient blood inflow can damage and, within the end, breathless cells anyplace inside the body. The mind has one of the body's richest structures of modes and is substantially helpless. In vascular madness, adaptations in enterprise bents now and also be all of unforeseen following strokes that blockish wide mind modes. A growing number of experts spare in the direction of the expression" Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI)" to “vascular madness”. A many examinations have located that vascular adaptations and other mind irregularities might also abettor in ways that ameliorate the possibility of madness finding. The analysis of madness or mild internal impedance is affirmed via neurocognitive testing, which incorporates a many hours of composed or mechanized tests that give factor by using point evaluation of logic capabilities, for illustration, judgment, arranging, important wondering, wondering and memory.

Track 5: Childhood Trauma and Dementia

New research esteem there may be a solid relationship among initial formative years trauma, for example, that accomplished by means of the dementia and stolen ages. There is a wide-ranging settlement demonstrating that childhood trauma is fundamentally identical with the development of sorrow. There is a solid connection between an excessive creation to young age stress and anguish that incorporates people that were a bit of the stolen ages, and the opportunity of being determined to have dementia at times down the road. Psychic disorder is any mental health problems that all of sudden overpowers the capability to provide a negligible feeling of health and integrative wholeness, bringing approximately overpowering nervousness or defencelessness, or its harmful, and creating a persevering with change inside the psychic organization. Childhood trauma can affect physical health and intellectual into adulthood.

Track 6: Dementia Nursing

People with vascular dementia have distinct mental element shortfalls that incorporate each reminiscence hindrance, that impacts the versatility, to find out new statistics or review facts already learned, and one or greater of the ensuing aspect outcomes aphasia, agonize, apraxia, or reputable brokenness to such an People with vascular dementia have distinct mental element shortfalls that absorb each reminiscence extension that the mental detail shortages adversely affect social or action working with a chief decrease in beyond capability. Furthermore, human beings with dementia commonly enjoy the ill consequences of comorbid condition that more confuse thoughts and block best results. Along those lines, growing caregiving strategies individual with vascular dementia is acute, given this increasing commonness and as a consequence the associated weight that dementia places now not simply on the human being, but at the parental figures, relations, and thusly the assets of the human services framework. Traditional views referring to geriatric nursing normally paint a picture of the care as being mild paced sure and less requesting than critical care unit .Be that as it may, care of the matured, and particularly those with vascular dementia, is usually unusual, confounded, and flimsy.

Track 7: Geriatrics dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Geriatrics or Geriatric medicine is most likely a peculiarity that focuses on social inclusion of all the more master person. It intends to push prosperity by methods for treating contaminations and thwarting and insufficiencies in increasingly set up adults. There is no set age at that sick is furthermore under the study of an expert or geriatric MD, a MD United Nations association causes a to announce to notoriety of the consideration of increasingly prepared person. Or on the other hand possibly, this call is prepared by use the character patient's wants and right now openness of an ace. It's basic to look the capability among gerontology, the consideration of developed human, and geriatrics, a great method to be that the exploration of the developing methodology by itself. This session contains Neurodegenerative diseases, Geriatric diagnostics, Geriatric debacle arrangement, Geriatric nervous system science, Geriatric psychiatry ,Geriatric oncology or psychogeriatric, Geriatric pharmacotherapy, passionate prosperity and alcohol impulse, Nutritional need, Preventions: Mental movement and sound way of living.

Track 8: Clinical features and Physiotherapy for dementia

The point of a decent arrangement of the examination diversion in madness is to expand negotiations for' cure' or indeed' fix'. The old style seat to bedside worldview has been thwarting in madness. There's a long advertisement of apparent madness treatment mixes with positive pre-medicinal and early stage primary realities which have been unprejudiced or indeed possibly hurtful while surveyed in scrap III examinations. Lewy body madness is a typical anyway constantly under analysed intention of madness regularly inadmissible for the further familiar substance of Alzheimer sickness. Clinically the qualification is significant, in light of the fact that it might have significant ramifications for the directors. The expectation of Lewy body madness has introductory ramifications. It's related with an over the top pervasiveness of neuroleptic affectability, taking fabulous alert inside the application of those introductory antipsychotic specialists. Beforehand examinations demonstrate cholinesterase impediments can be profitable for treating the internal passages and conduct unsettling influences that afflict those cases and can likewise ameliorate perception.

Track 9: Neurological Diseases

Neurological conditions Neurological diseases are distemperatures of the focal and borderline sensitive machine. At the end of the day, spinal rope, cranial jitters, borderline jitters, whim-whams roots, autonomic sensitive device and neuromuscular crossroad. These disarranges comprise epilepsy, Alzheimer impurity and one of a kind mania, cerebrovascular affections similar as stroke, headache and different migraine issue, multitudinous sclerosis, Parkinson's infection, neuro-infectious, mind tumours, lousy couples of the sensitive system because of head injury, and neurological issue because of hunger. Neurological instantiations may also be because of the impurity itself or due to a safe response. Innumerous individualities transnational are told via neurological disarranges. Alzheimer's sickness is the maximum extensively linked purpose for madness and might add to 60 – 70 of cases.

Track 10: Alzheimer’s Disease Parthenogenesis

Alzheimer’s complaint Pathogenesis Alzheimer's infection is an advanced madness with absence of neurons and the nearness of leader bitsy neuropath logical trademarks extracellular amyloid pillars and intracellular neurofibrillary befuddlements. Beforehand starting Announcement, an unusual domestic shape, is incited because of exchange of one out of 3 rates. Sporadic shape happens typically after age of sixty five and bills for maximum cases; it stylish presumptive influences from a blend of heritable and effect of terrain. Affirmed threat factors for sporadic Announcement are age and the nearness of the E4 allele of( Apo lipoprotein E) Amyloid pillars incorporate explicitly of the neurotoxic peptide amyloid( Aβ, Abeta), cut successively from a lesser forerunner protein( APP) thru two composites β- secretes( else known as BACE1) and γ- secretes( including four proteins, presently is one in the wholeness about). Neurofibrillary befuddlements contain substantially of the protein tau which ties with microtubules, which encouraging the neuronal transportation frame. Tau uncoupling from microtubules and collection into befuddlements represses delivery and results in dismantling of microtubule. Phosphorylation of tau may also have a pivotal capability on this. Specific weakness of neuronal structures which incorporates the cholinergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic and glutamatergic fabrics shape the cause of ultramodern sapient pharmacological cure.

Track 11: Alzheimer’s Diseases

Alzheimer's complaint is unrecoverable and decimates mind cells, making allowing capability and reminiscence weaken. Alzheimer's impurity is a dynamic, degenerative mind complaint and the maximum extensively linked type of madness, a meeting of brain issues that impact a man's reminiscence, allowing about and capability to attach socially. Madness and Alzheimer's impurity is n’t the same. Madness is a standard term used to depict symptoms that prompt reminiscence, prosecution of each day exercises, and correspondence capacities. Alzheimer's impurity is the most extensively diagnosed kind of madness. Alzheimer's illness isn't a standard piece of growing. We're main disquisition into the part of aggravation in Alzheimer's illness to discover capability focuses for remedial agreement. The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network is the principle purpose to find out biomarkers for Alzheimer's Conditions that are distinguishable a while before the underpinning clinical aspect goods. Members enjoy mind assessments and clinical evaluations and deliver blood and spinal liquid to explore. Presently making use of heritable relation approaches to manage with bid to distinguish these modifier rates, which may deliver salutary focuses to the remedy of Alzheimer's illness

Track 12: Diagnostic Alzheimer’s & Novel Therapeutics

Individual Alzheimer’s  & New cures is a name among the most energizing uses of data making ready fabrics is in diagnostics and treatment. This isn't astonishing, given that impurity analysis is in its centre a statistics handling assignment that finishes with a choice. In severe infections, the conclusion can be done in striking cells. Croakers cannot analyses Alzheimer's complaint until after death, when they're suitable to nearly check the brain beneath a magnifying instrument. Still, they could use checks to determine out different situations that may motive analogous symptoms. Beforehand, exact locating is positive for some reasons. Starting treatment ahead of schedule within the infection process may help cover each day operating for enough a while, despite the fact that the retired Alzheimer's system can not be desisted or switched. Alzheimer's madness comes about due to the dynamic mischance( degeneration) of mind cells. This movement may appear in an multifariousness of publications in mind reviews. At present experimenters are exploring a multitudinous sickness labels and demonstrative checks, for illustration, rates, infection associated proteins and imaging styles, which may precisely and dependably display whether you've got Alzheimer's madness or not. Whatever, right now further exploration on these tests is vital for unborn

Track 13 :Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials and Studies

Alzheimer’s clinical trials and studies Clinical overtures place unit asked regarding examinations semiconductor diode in individualities to decide whether or not specifics sector unit assured and reasonable. While not clinical disquisition and latterly the help of mortal levies, there may be no advanced capsules, no compensatory pastime and no answer for Alzheimer’s growling. Clinical overtures region unit in some cases inferred as scientific examinations; the terms area unit in numerous cases used inversely, in any case their home unit inconspicuous complications among them. Clinical overtures take a gander at new negotiations or capsules to maintain down from, fete or treat impurity. A medical document is any collection of clinical examination just as individualities, paying nearly no observe with fete to whether it's Associate in nursing an intervention. Clinical examinations will further take a goose at fully different parts of consideration, for illustration, perfecting individual fulfilment.

 To examine the safety and efficacy of an oral investigational medicine in those who are asymptomatic and at- hazard for Alzheimer's sickness and probing the effect of crenezumab infusion on Alzheimer's sickness progression in people with prodromal or moderate Alzheimer's complaint. Presently the medical trials and studies are especially concentrates on Alzheimer’s Disease & Down pattern, growing old to have the stylish peril of converting the outlook for humans with madness promising ideas should be driven thru the development fashion and into medical trials in people as speedy as possible Track

14: Alzheimer Disease and Cellular Mechanisms

Alzheimer Disease and Cellular Mechanisms Utmost nonstop endeavours to battle Alzheimer Disease are targeted around treating its clinical symptoms, still the neuropathology variations abecedarian show up decades sooner and flip out to be basically unrecoverable when the illness achieves its clinical stages. This calls for treating at preclinical stages, which requires a superior appreciation of the important units egging Alzheimer Disease pathology. Alzheimer's impurity is a complex heritable problem that's the main force of madness in the senior. Infinitesimal protestation raised the presuppositions that trafficking of the amyloid precursor protein is under control of insulin flagging. Utmost progressing endeavours to battle Alzheimer infection are focused round treating its medical hand goods, still the neuropathology variations abecedarian display up decades sooner and turn out to be basically unrecoverable whilst the complaint achieves its scientificstages . Among those mind disease which bring about madness, in particular in further seasoned individualities, Alzheimer's illness is the most extensively diagnosed. The infection is linked by a many synapse changes which incorporate synapse mischance, studies loss, a protein trade inner neurons appertained to as neurofibrillary degeneration, and an unconventional degenerative difference in neuron outstations wherein another type of fibrillary material called amyloid may accumulate within the extracellularspaces .Alzheimer Disease and Cellular Mechanisms Utmost nonstop endeavours to battle Alzheimer Disease are targeted around treating its clinical symptoms, still the neuropathology variations abecedarian show up decades sooner and flip out to be basically unrecoverable when the illness achieves its clinical stages. This calls for treating at preclinical stages, which requires a superior appreciation of the important units egging Alzheimer Disease pathology. Alzheimer's impurity is a complex heritable problem that's the main force of madness in the senior. Infinitesimal protestation raised the presuppositions that trafficking of the amyloid precursor protein is under control of insulin flagging. Utmost progressing endeavours to battle Alzheimer infection are focused round treating its medical hand goods, still the neuropathology variations abecedarian display up decades sooner and turn out to be basically unrecoverable whilst the complaint achieves its scientificstages .Among those mind disease which bring about madness, in particular in further seasoned individualities, Alzheimer's illness is the most extensively diagnosed. The infection is linked by a many synapse changes which incorporate synapse mischance, studies loss, a protein trade inner neurons appertained to as neurofibrillary degeneration, and an unconventional degenerative difference in neuron outstations wherein another type of fibrillary material called amyloid may accumulate within the extracellular spaces.

Track 15: Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 Diabetes

Alzheimer’s Disease and type 2 Diabetes Alzheimer's sickness( Announcement) and type 2 diabetes mellitus( T2DM) are rather major growing affiliated complaint associated with huge morbidity and mortality. A many discoveries in mortal and beast fashions have linked T2DM to Announcement- type madness. Notwithstanding epidemiological courting between the T2DM and cerebral weakness, the interrelation units are foggy. The frequency of evidence in longitudinal examinations with analysis protestation have shown that vascular factors, as opposed to exemplary Announcement- kind pathologies, uphold the cerebral decay frequently determined in tone- revealed T2DM. T2DM is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease ( CVD), and is related with expanded chance of infarcts and little vessel disease in the studies and unique organs. Neuropathlogical examinations of after loss of life heads showed evidence of cerebrovascular complaint and nearly no courting amongst T2DM and β- amyloid shops or neurofibrillary befuddlements. By and by, the factors upstream of early Announcement-specific pathology live darken. In similar manner, there may to be sure be wrap between the pathologic systems of T2DM/" metabolic complaint," and Announcement. All the redundant explicitly, cerebral insulin running, glucose digestion, mitochondrial work, in addition to lipid digestion can be changed in victims in early Announcement and directly impact symptomatology or presumably neuropathology

Track 16: Memory Disorders & Neurologic problems

Memory Diseases & Neurologic problems Brain is the most complicated and sensitive organ inside the body. Nanosecond damages to the mind might purpose ruinous results main to several mind diseases. It may arise in early life causing experimental diseases together with autism and dyslexia. Psychiatric conditions inclusive of melancholy and schizophrenia are generally linked in teenagers or early maturity and as we progress we crop as decreasingly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s complaint, stroke, and other conditions. This session encourages a discussion on the structural and functional rudiments of the brain. There are 10 million individualities in the UK abiding with a neurological circumstance which significantly impacts their lives. Principally, stroke, madness, cerebral pain, Brain damage and epilepsy are the neurological conditions endured in the UK. It has been estimated that the continuance peril of growing Brain and different neural sensitive device complaint is 1 of every 133 for guys and 1 of each 185 for girls within the UK.

Track 17: Medical Biotechnology and Alzheimer’s Disease

 Medical Biotechnology and Alzheimer’s complaint Alzheimer's complaint as a dynamic and deadly neurodegenerative sickness speaks to an immense ignored demand for treatment. The low viability of current remedy ways is not just due to low medicinal medicine depth yet in addition due to the nearness of colourful hindrances in the vehicle courses. One of the abecedarian limitations is the blood mind boundary. The expanding ascendance of Alzheimer's Conditions and the low viability of eclipse and inflow treatments have elevated the measure of studies on unwinding of illness pathways and development of treatment ways. One of the witching regions for the remaining challenge is biotechnology and their operations. Nanotechnology is a name amongst the most critical subject in biotechnology and has a noteworthy part inside the development of new remedial modalities with accelerated acceptability. In the nanotechnology subject, accoutrements are designed with utilitarian association at the Nano scale. Every one of the accoutrements is applied for cooperation and incitement of natural fabrics on the infinitesimal stage to instigate physiological responses. One of the primary troubles regarding the remedy of neurodegenerative affections are linked with medicates vehicle.

Track 18: Amyloid Protein in Dementia

It's formed from the breakdown of a larger protein, called amyloid precursor protein. One form, beta- amyloid 42, is allowed to be especially poisonous. In the Alzheimer's brain, abnormal situations of this naturally being protein clump together to form pillars that collect between neurons and disrupt cell function. Hereditary cerebralamyloid angiopathy is a condition that can beget a progressive loss of intellectual function( madness), stroke, and other neurological problems starting inmid-adulthood. Alzheimer's complaint is allowed to be caused by the abnormal figure- up of 2 proteins called amyloid and tau. Deposits of amyloid, called pillars, make up around brain cells. Deposits of tau form" befuddlements" within brain cells. White foods, including pasta, galettes, white sugar, white rice and white chuck. Consuming these causes a shaft in insulin product and sends poisons to the brain. Fryer popcorn contains diacetyl, a chemical that may increase amyloid pillars in the brain.

Track 19: Ageing & Dementia

Ageing and madness While some mild changes in cognition are considered a normal part of the aging process, madness is not. Normal age-affiliated declines are subtle and substantially affect the speed of thinking and purposeful control. Although madness isn't a necessary consequence of ageing, adding age is the biggest threat factor for having this complaint. The frequence of madness increases exponentially with age and 95 of those with Alzheimer's complaint, the most common form of madness, are progressed 65 or over. Ageing is a threat factor for madness because madness can take a long time to develop. This is because madness is caused by conditions that damage the brain, similar as Alzheimer's complaint or vascular complaint. It can take these conditions numerous times to damage the brain enough to beget the symptoms of madness.

Track 20: Neuroimaging Biomarker

Neuroimaging biomarker These biomarkers are quantifiable characteristics of natural processes related to Alzheimer's complaint that are linked to clinical endpoints and therefore can be used as surrogates for the complaint process. Over the last decade, multitudinous advances have been made in developing biomarkers for Announcement using neuroimaging approaches. Neuroimaging is a branch of medical imaging that target on the brain. In addition to diagnosing complaint and assessing brain health, neuroimaging also studies How the brain works. How colourful conditioning impact the brain. Blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid give the necessary natural information for the opinion. In these conditions, biomarkers are used as an index of a natural factor that represents either a subclinical incarnation, stage of the complaint, or a surrogate incarnation of the complaint.

Track 21: Interstitial Lung Disease

Brain is the most sensitive and complicated organ inside the body. Nanosecond damages to the mind might purpose ruinous results main to several mind diseases. It may arise in early life causing experimental diseases together with autism and dyslexia. Psychiatric conditions inclusive of melancholy and schizophrenia are generally linked in teenagers or early maturity and as we progress we crop as decreasingly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s complaint, stroke, and other conditions. This session encourages a discussion on the structural and functional rudiments of the brain. There are 10 million individualities in the UK abiding with a neurological circumstance which significantly impacts their lives. Principally, stroke, madness, cerebral pain, Brain damage and epilepsy are the neurological conditions endured in the UK. It has been estimated that the continuance peril of growing Brain and different neural sensitive device complaint is 1 of every 133 for guys and 1 of each 185 for girls within the UK.


The Alzheimer’s Disease Segment Dominates the Market and is look forward to Continue the Same Over the Forecast Period.

By disease, the Alzheimer's disease segment is look forward to hold a major market share. The major factors fuelling the segment growth are the increasing burden of Alzheimer's disease and current research. Development pertaining to drugs for Alzheimer's. For instance, as per the Alzheimer’s Association 2021 report, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved five drugs for the cure of Alzheimer’s, namely rivastigmine, donepezil, galantamine, memantine combined and memantine with donepezil. As per the same source, the vast majority of people who grow Alzheimer’s dementia are aged 65 years or older. This is called late-onset Alzheimer’s. Nearly 5.3% of people aged 65 years to 75 years, 13.8% of people aged 75 years to 84 years, and 34.6% of people aged 85 years or aged have Alzheimer’s dementia in the USA. Additionally, an estimated 6.2 million Americans aged 65 years and aged are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2021 and are projected to reach 13.5 million by 2050. Such a higher prevalence of the disease is anticipated to bolster the demand for dementia drugs among the patient population over the upcoming years.

Moreover, several participants are engaged in the implementation of strategic developments, thereby contributing to market growth. For instance, in June 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration approved Aduhelm for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, due to the above-mentioned developments coupled with the growing burden of the disease, the segment is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast time.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 10-11, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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